Example Classroom Materials

Listed and linked below are a selection of lessons and materials that I have created over the course of my time in the classroom. These are for reference and demonstrative purposes only. Please do not reproduce or distribute without permission.

Course Overview

Refined over the course of four years, the above linked course overview is designed for a year long, high school Art I course. The document provides the framework to determine appropriate pacing and order of lessons for the year. This course overview was developed utilizing Understanding by Design (UbD) concepts.

Curriculum Guide

Created for school records and accreditation purposes, the above linked curriculum guide is for Computer Applications, a one semester high school class. The curriculum guide outlines all units, learning objectives, state standards, assessments, resources, etc. for one academic quarter. Formatting and information included as determined by AdvancED accreditation.

Video Lesson

Originally created in the midst of virtual learning, the above linked video lesson is for an advanced colored pencil assignment. This lesson was created for a high school Drawing and Painting course, to be assigned towards the end of the drawing portion of the class. Foundational concepts and exercises were taught prior to this lesson.

Lesson Plan

Created for the first grade classroom, the above linked lesson plan is the result of both classroom experience and professional development on visual arts integration. Based on the book Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Kate Messner, the lesson combines ELA (nonfiction) and science (the study of living things) curricula to create a culminating art assignment.

Supplemental Art History

The art history presentations linked above were created for high school Art I, II, & III to address the lack of representation in art history textbooks. I started what I called ‘Museum Mondays’ to dedicate a time each week to share artists not typically represented in western art textbooks such as those in the BIPOC, disabled, female, LGBTQ+, etc. communities.

Presentation and Notes

In addition to project-based learning in the art room, conceptual and theory lessons help form the basis of any art class. In my experience, presentations paired with notes, such as those linked above, provide students a good balance of information, structure, and visual representations. The presentation and notes linked above were designed as an introduction to color theory in a high school Art I class.

Drawing Guide

Designed to support students during the art making process, the above linked document was created for a 4th grade lesson about folk art landscapes. Students utilized this resource to help generate ideas while customizing their artwork after having learned about folk art from around the world, and considering the local landscape that they see every day.

Elementary Classroom Slides

Developed to support students day to day in the elementary art room, these slides are displayed through the class to help remind students of the required steps for the day, as well as provide a platform to share various images, videos, and other resources to supplement the lesson.

Video Lesson

Created to pair with a 2nd grade lesson about Vincent Van Gogh; project originally created by Painted Paper Art and adapted for my classroom. One video is shown per class to demonstrate the steps for the day. Videos allow for students to see the example better, volume can be adjusted for all to hear, and allows materials and supplies to be prepared simultaneously.